Funding Application Workshop - How we plan, design and own it.
Kath Papas by Gregory Lorenzutti
Taka Takiguchi
by Toshiki Tanaka
Would you like to broaden the base of applications you are receiving?
Want to assist applicants to articulate & clarify their project ideas in writing?
Co-designed & co-delivered by a producer who's navigated language & cultural barriers to funding in Australia, alongside a producer of 20 years.
Writing a funding application can be intimidating and confusing, especially for those with little experience in the application process. Funding bodies may have limited capacity to tailor sessions to the diverse needs of applicants, This workshop builds skills and confidence in an encouraging, inclusive, engaging, and practical session.
Hosted by Kath Papas and Taka Takaguchi, this workshop guides attendees through tips and tools on how to navigate complex application contexts, including addressing selection criteria, describing artistic concepts, talking about form and audience experience, alongside introduction to budgeting. Short hands-on exercises build rapport and put ideas into action immediately.
Our standard workshop is 1.5 hours long, and is designed to follow a 15 minute introduction about the funding round or opportunity being offered, given by the host. Including a short refreshment break, the whole session can then fit in a 2 hour window.
This workshop is designed for local government, venues or festivals wishing to broaden the base of the applications you are receiving, and/or build capacity in your community.
This workshop is ideal to offer in addition to a funding or EOI information session or can be offered at any time throughout the year.
Participants are artists and/or collectives who are emerging, have little experience in funding, and/or who are seeking a refresher on application writing skills.
Friendly facilitation and a warm atmosphere to assist participants to articulate and clarify their project ideas in writing, including ‘funding myth-busting' and practical approaches/tips. There is no assumed knowledge or jargon.
Co-designed and co-delivered from the perspective of someone who has navigated language and cultural barriers to funding and funding systems in Australia, alongside a producer of 20 years.
To create a space for local artists/creators to meet, share and get to know each other where they can talk about their future projects through the exercise based workshop.
Workshop - We mesh conceptual and artistic thinking with our practical advice on the topics below;
Planning a project and how to write about it in an application
Understanding and addressing selection criteria
Writing about what audiences will experience
Strategies for the writing process
Introduction to budgeting: including connecting budgets to project plans; industry rates of pay, superannuation and Workcover.
Links to other useful resources and organisations
Practical tips for preparing information for entry into a funding application portal
Supported with a visual presentation to aid understanding + e-handout to keep
A series of short exercises for participants in small groups to put ideas into action
See more details in the PDF file