Obang - Theatre for babies up to 16 months old

A multicultural theatre show for babies! Obang is a performative installation space designed for babies aged 6 to 16 months and with their care-givers. It is inspired by the traditional Korean concept of Obang which refers to five primary colours that are connected with five different spaces at home. 

Obang is a joyful and interactive experience featuring puppetry elements, story-telling and free-play for babies in an immersive and multi-sensory environment. In the storyline, audiences are invited to a Korean grandparent's home. Together, audiences will experience a day’s life which includes cooking, washing, bathing and sleeping.

Obang will be presented as a 50-minute installation performance.

Recommended age: For babies aged 6 to 16 months. Children must be accompanied by one adult. The capacity for each session is limited to 13 families/pairs.

It was beautifully thought out, with lots of small special touches amongst big special things! My daughter loved it and I found myself laughing and feeling gleeful as well. I’ll highly recommend this experience. You guys are fabulous.
— Parent


She was very active and loved all the different display and items especially the animals on the projector.
— Parent
He was engaged for the full hour! No tantrums or whinging. He loved it!
— Parent
The space was quiet and welcoming, with different recorded & human sounds that excited him. He could explore the new materials at his own pace and in his own way, with others or alone. He saw and did things he hasn’t before!
— Parent
These sensorial play with multi cultural background are a gift
— Parent
It was such a beautiful and engaging show/experience. I think it’s the best children activity / performance I’ve been too. Genuinely for the child and I thoroughly enjoyed watching how much she got out of the experience.
— Parent

Upcoming event

Past event

Bunjil Place Victoria, Aus (June 2023)
ArtsPlay Victoria, Aus (Mar 2023)