デート / Date
趣味が合うというか 気が合うというか
そうなのかもしれませんね ただ、
不思議なもので 私は”もう一人の自分”と喧嘩をしたり ”
いずれにしても ”もう一人の自分”は
そのうえ ずっと無視しないでくれてありがとう
迷惑がらずに話を聞いてくれてありがとうと 感謝してくれます
もうこなると どっちが私でどっちが”もう一人の自分”なのか分からなくなります
そしていよいよ ”もう一人の自分”なしでは自分は乱心してしまうのだと気づくのです
だから一人になりたい そう思う時は 一人になるといいと思います
そうしていると次第に ほかの人と話をしたくなります
”もう一人の自分”と思っていた ”もう一人の本当の自分”と一緒に
> You like being alone, don't you?
Yes, today I went on a date with my "other self" again.
We went for coffee together...
We seem to get along well.
> Could that be called a mental illness?
Maybe, but not quite.
Strangely enough, I have a quarrel with my "other self" often,
Sometimes he looks down on me,
and other times he encourages and inspires me.
Either way, my "other self" teaches me so many things I am not aware.
He even thanks me for listening and not ignoring him.
At this point, I can't tell which is me and which is my "other self".
Finally, I realize that I would go crazy without him.
I think it's good to be alone so, you can have coffee with your "other self".
Then, you will gradually want to meet and talk to other people
with your "real self" that you thought was your "other self"